Zen Practice

Following the tradition of Master Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982) who brought

Zen practice to Europe in the 1960s, Zen Nun Maddie É Shin Parisio teaches and

guides small groups in the practice of zazen, simply sitting in silence.

“Zen is just sitting. Zen is exactly zazen,

Zen is not reasoning or theory or ideas. Not knowledge to grasp with the mind.

It is only a practice, and that practice is zazen, right meditation, right

sitting…the gateway to peace and freedom.

Zen means “concentration of the mind” and za means “seated”. The term comes

to us in its present form, zazen, from Japanese. Before that, zen was ch’an in

Chinese, and before that again, dyana, in Sanskrit.”

Taisen Deshimaru. “The Ring of the Way”.


Maddie É Shin Parisio has been practising zazen since 1996. After living for a

year in La Gendronnière Zen Temple in France in 2006 she was ordained a nun

by her Master Philippe Rei Ryu Coupey in 2007, one of Master Deshimaru’s

closest disciples.

Since then she has been recognised as a teacher of the practice in the UK within

IZAUK (International Zen Association UK) as well as in France and Germany.

She welcomes both experienced practitioners as well as newcomers to the

groups which meet on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Please get in

touch with her if you would like to join us.

maddie@izauk.net . Text or WhatsApp 07419334254.